
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mexico Institute for Evaluation of Education: Examine Entire Process In Order To Change Current Culture of 'Fear'

La Jornada: Victor Ballinas

Margarita Zorrilla Fierro, member of the governing board of the National Institute for Evaluation of Education (INEE), told the Senate that the ENLACE test must be examined.
"The tests do not discriminate. This judgment that the exam discriminates is part of the fear of evaluation. The instruments can be good or better."
The INEE counselor emphasized that instruments for measuring learning
"must arrive gradually to levels of accuracy that, for example, allow us to become familiar with whether educational purposes are achieved, where they are achieved and what the problems are; conversely, if educational purposes are not achieved, how the problems are to be fixed."
After the private meeting that she held with the Education Commission, Zorrilla Fierro said that
"the ENLACE test, the entire process of evaluation, must be carefully looked at; well, we have to review it, because it causes too much distress."
She explained that
"there are things we have to review; it is something like when you come to a practice, you have to stand a little bit and see how things are."
La Jornada: Will it have to disappear and another mechanism for evaluation be sought?
That must be examined. I don't know. I don't have an answer.
La Jornada: Is it ruled out?
I don't know.
Questioned about whether the ENLACE test even serves in the current context of evaluation, Zorilla Fierro replied:
"For many things, certainly. It depends, you have to see how it is used. There are states that have developed very interesting systems that go beyond the arithmetic mean."
Zorrilla Fierro pointed out that they have the intent to review what's going on with its uses. In Mexico, the term evaluation
"is associated with punishment. We must transform this culture that says 'evaluation is punishment'. It is about gathering the information necessary for assessing performance that allows us to identify where the strengths are, where the weaknesses are and to give support."